Monday, April 30, 2007

Happy Monday!

In reading the Red Lady's last few postings, one thing comes to mind: Us vs Them. Everyone who doesn't think like the Red Lady, and by extension the conservatives, is considered an enemy. The Muslims, the Liberals, poor people, Blacks and Hispanics, Northerners, anyone not from North Carolina (except John Edwards), institutes of higher learning and people who don't watch sports are all enemies.

Life is about differences, not everyone is the same (thank God!) and maybe, just maybe, you could learn about different people if you just listen and not judge. Bill O'Reilley is voicing his OPINION, he should not be taken as fact. He is a journalist. Town is a tool for conservative opinions, NOT facts.

If you google the words 'political theory conservative definition' you get a plethora of definitions, but the FreeDictionary defines conservatism as 'favoring traditional views and values, tending to oppose change'. (I didn't quote Wikipedia on purpose)

The FreeDictionary defines liberal as 'Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; free from bigotry'.

The term to be used in today's frame of reference is neo-conservatives, and according to the FreeDictionary, the definition of neoconservative starts with this paragraph: 'The prefix neo- refers to two ways in which neoconservatism was new. First, many of the movement's founders, originally liberals, Democrats or from socialist backgrounds, were new to conservatism. Also, neoconservatism was a comparatively recent strain of conservative socio-political thought. It derived from a variety of intellectual roots in the decades following World War II, including literary criticism and the social sciences. ' FOFLMAO!! Several Bad words in that definition: liberals, Democrats and intellectuals.

If you do a bit more digging, it all comes down to individual freedoms: the conservatives are more interested in property and the liberals are interested in setting rules so everyone gets a fair chance, but it's all about individual freedoms.

So this just goes to show that most things in life evolve from the same source. The 3 Big Religions all started in the same area at the same time with the same players. The political theories in the US all got started in the same place, the Bill of Rights and the US Constitution. Life is not an Us vs Them deal, we have to work with other people to get to the best way to do things. We have to listen and compromise and determine what is the most important action to take.

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