Monday, May 12, 2008

Some items of interest

There have been some recent events I'll comment on, but first, there are a few topics that don't have anything to do with the public spotlight that I have opinions about.

A few years ago, the administrators at UNC wanted to mandate the reading of the Quran for incoming Freshmen. This stirred up quite a controversy, to say the least. I believe in suggesting vs. mandating. I do believe it would have been a good idea for students to read the Quran, but not for the rationale of the administration. They would have been given a watered-down version instead of the real deal, thus they would not have been educated about what is really taught to true believers of Islam. Recently, a conservative group that donates huge dollars to the University wanted to mandate the incoming read my favorite book, "Atlas Shrugged", by Ayn Rand. Since this book highlights the concept of Capitalism, you can imagine the screaming that went on from the administration. After all, Capitalism and academia don't quite gel. Again, I don't believe in mandates, but since the University depends on donations, then those that have the money can/do pull some strings. If the liberal faculty squirrels don't want the money, then they don't have to abide by the wishes of those that are being generous. What's amazing to me is they had no problem with (approved of) the students having to read the Quran, but had a hissy-fit about them reading a novel focusing on the system this country was founded on. Another blatant display of hypocrisy by the liberal elite.

Speaking of novels, I just finished one by Sinclair Lewis; "It Can't Happen Here". I read "Main Street" in high school, and am familiar with Babbitt, but never had heard of this one. An excellent read, especially at this time in political history. It reminds me a bit of Orwell's, "1984", in that it shows what happens to a free society when revolution and a dictatorship takes over. Both political parties lose, as we all know what a dictatorship means. When a country becomes so divisive, as ours is now, it accelerates at a rapid pace. This book was written in 1935 and mirrors what is happening 73 years later.

Everytime I hear mothers wanting to be able to breast-feed wherever they want, I totally cringe, and here is why. I find it intrusive on my space in public and would think that if it were such a "bonding" time between mother and child, they would want privacy instead of exploiting their motherhood. I've always joked that if they could flop them out on the table and start breast-feeding right there on the food court, they'd be changing diapers on top of the table next. Well, I viewed a guy (mom was sitting on the other side of the table) changing a poop diaper in the booth next to the table I was seated at recently. I had lunch with former business colleagues and could NOT believe what I was seeing. Don't people realize we don't want bacteria from fecal matter mixed with the food we eat, not to mention I was eating, for God's sake! Glad I saw it, I'll NEVER sit in that booth! Society has lost all decency and class, I'm convinced of that.

On to animals. I see where the Atlanta aquarium is going to get dolphins now. Too bad, as they can't keep the whales alive. What a shame, but what's worse is they are going to let people swim with them. I've seen this down in Florida, but at least they are exposed to an environment that is more close to their habitat. Being sealed in an aquarium and having to put up with people in their space is assinine. They've discussed allowing people to pet the whales, totally disregarding the problems they've had with them being in this type of captivity. The idea is totally self-serving. It's not as if the aquarium doesn't make plenty of money without having to resort to these tactics.

I'm totally disgusted with thoroughbred horse-racing. The debacle that occurred at the Derby a couple of weeks ago proves that nothing has been done in the three years that Barbaro went down at the Preakness. There are several observations as to why this is happening, among them being young ages of the horses, the heavy weight (questions regarding steroids aside), schedules of races, inbreeding, surfaces of tracks, drugs administered for injuries to keep them racing before they're c0mpletely healed, and the type of training they endure (faster for shorter races vs. endurance for longer races). Eight Belles' father and grandfather had a history of weak legs, and the owner and trainer put her in the Derby against the colts. Something has to be done, and with this happening in the public eye at more popular races, I would like to believe it will. Even equine veterinarians are questioning some of the old habits of trainers, and that's a good thing.

The egotistical Bob Barr has decided to try and run on the Libertarian ticket here in Georgia. Trust me, it's not because he's tired of the Republicans. It's because he was spurned by the local Republicans after perpetually pissing them off. He's taking the point of frightened liberals regarding civil liberties and playing it to the hilt. First of all, if you're not breaking the law, you won't get in trouble. Mr. Barr uses this issue as an excuse to defend those that habor funds offshore in order to avoid paying income tax on that money. I know this for a fact, as an ex-boyfriend of mine has a good buddy that (not once, but twice) was investigated for offshore accounts. The second time, he went to the Federal Pen here in Atlanta for three months. Since he was a former CIA buddy of Barr's, it was only fitting that Barr would represent him. Barr performed a shoddy job, as my ex had the money released from the offshore account (with the help of a friend of his that lives there). Barr is washed-up in politics and only wants to try and stick it to the party that dumped him. I've amusingly read his columns, denouncing the Bush administration's security program. I'd rather have security than be killed any day. Barr just wants an easy way to allow his pals to break the law.

Last, but not least, a brief explanation of Jeremiah Wright. I attended Theology Cafe last Wednesday night. There was a young, black gentleman that attends Theology school and volunteers to try and help prostitutes get off the street and with their rehabilitation. I've met him before, and he's a very nice guy. Let me preface this by saying, he does NOT agree with Jeremiah Wright or the black liberation theology he preaches. Liberation theology started decades ago, in an effort to shift ideas of Christianity to Marxism. It was typical psycho-babble of the radical leftists, using a religious platform to tout their political ideas. Taking it to another level, blacks started doing it in the '60s, thus "black" liberation theology. Basically, it's a Marxist/Socialist view of how to achieve utopia (which we all know doesn't exist, other than in the fantasy minds of liberals). Black theology teaches that until there is a revolution, and blacks win over whites, there will be no utopia, and they will continued to be oppressed. This is a great example of psycho-babble in the hands of black racists, and yes, they are racists. They view whites as the evil devil, and we wonder why they are so racist against us. The good news is, young people entering theology school (where all of this is being taught), aren't buying into it as much as the past generations that perpetuate and keep it going. I also happened to, by accident, run across this topic on the Web last week, and the article almost duplicated what this young man told us. It was quite an enlightening discussion and explains why the likes of Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, etc. get by with using their own people to their advantage.


Anonymous said...

'It was typical psycho-babble of the radical leftists, using a religious platform to tout their political ideas. ' Isn't that what the Christian Coalition was trying to do with the GOP? Using a relgious platform to tout their political ideas? Remember Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell? Oh but they're different, they're white....

Red Lady said...

They are no longer viable in the current time, plus they never preached racism. If you look at history, you'll see that the Republican party has tried to do more for the black race, by far, than the Democrats that perpetually use them for votes, period. Now, why don't you respond to other issues instead of focusing on only the racial problems. Perhaps you've been brainwashed by the likes of Jackson, Sharpton, and Co.