Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Neal has a plethora of good ones today!

Time for Muslims to go home.
A student at St. Cloud State University in Minnesota (I believe) had to leave his teacher training program because his service dog was threatened by a Muslim student. Tyler Hurd is a 23-year-old student in a teacher-training program at Technical High School. Hurd has a service dog, a black lab, by the name of Emmitt who is trained to protect Hurd when he has seizures. Hurd's seizures can occur weekly and they are the result of a childhood injury.

Hurd's dog Emmitt was threatened by a Somali student who is ... Muslim. As we know, Muslims forbid the touching of dogs. But students at the Tech schools taunted his dog and when a Muslim student threatened to kill the dog, that's when Hurd decided to leave his training.

The schools are calling the situation a "misunderstanding." What's to misunderstand ... the Muslim faith does not accept dogs. They are offensive. Therefore, it is the job of those surrounding the Muslim faith to bend to its every request.

For those that worry about what other countries think of us, here's a good example!
Do you think this German parade float would ever make it in a parade here? Probably not. Too inseeennnssssitive.

Here's what an Ivy League education will do for you, or should I say, affirmative action at its best!
Just in case you weren't aware ... Barack Obama has visited 57 states on the campaign trail. No, that is not a typo.

Here's a story the mainstream media will likely not cover ... the story of a US soldier and how he got a young Iraqi girl new legs.

This is some good news. An immigration raid of a kosher meatpacking plant in Iowa is estimated arrest 700 illegal aliens.

Somebody bust out the sympathy card ... immigrants are being hit the hardest by foreclosures because they are unfamiliar with the U.S. mortgage market, unable to speak or read English well and vulnerable to those evil real estate professionals who told them property values always rise.

Seems Muslims want to practice "suing" more than the mainstream "victims" in this country.
Here's irony for you ... Iran says it will sue the United States and Great Britain for supposedly financially supporting a mosque explosion that killed 14 people.

Another brilliant idea from the "first female Speaker".
Remember Nancy Pelosi's pledge for earmark reform? I guess when she meant "reform" she only meant for other legislatures ... considering she just added a $170 million earmark for the salmon industry in the Farm Bill.

When are these "poor, working parents" going to realize what makes babies, especially those they can't afford.
Arkansas is calling state government handouts to poor, working parents an "emerging social experiment." What's so "emerging" about government leaches and wealth redistribution?

As I've said, we don't need to be spending more money for government schools. Here is a prime example of the squandering of tax dollars.
Remember the Dallas Independent School District we told you about yesterday where 75% of graduating seniors can't read beyond an 8th grade level? The day before that statistic was announced, the school district was awarded a $1.35 billion bond to build even more schools to educate even more government geniuses.

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