From Neal's News (for those that don't get it)
An excerpt from ObamaNation article.
Oh and by the way, Obama has proposed yet another entitlement program. This one is called the Foreclosure Prevention Fund and it will cost an immediate $10 billion. This taxpayer money will be used to "extend a hand to folks who are struggling" in order to bail people out of their mortgages. Another translation: We will extend a hand to people who made stupid decisions, bought more house than they could afford, borrowed more than they could pay back, and then ran their credit card bills up with lifestyle spending while ignoring their mortgage payments.
Barack Obama filled in for Ted Kenney as the commencement speaker at Wesleyan University. One of his main messages seemed to be the idea of becoming a good little government subject. He urged the graduates to "make us believe again" by dedicating themselves to public service. In other words, this country will go down the toilet if you choose to become an entrepreneur and be successful and make a healthy profit for personal gain. It is asked that you give up personal "greed" and serve for the common good.
Think for a moment what our country would be like if every college graduate out there dedicated himself to public service. The public sector creates no wealth. It consumes wealth. With every striving to be a public servant, who is going to produce the wealth out there?
Obama also urged students to focus on more than "the big house and the nice suits and all the other things that our money culture says you should buy." So in a capitalist society, it is bad for you to want more than others may be able to have, according to Barack Obama.
Are you seeing where he is going with statements like this? They are small statements, but they are laden with messages of wealth envy and anti-capitalist rhetoric.
Something the Democratic Congress hates!
Newt Gingrich was on the show today and urged you to go to his website and sign the petition to authorize energy exploration.
Obviously pandering for the Jewish votes. Since the Russians freed the Jews at Auschwitz, I'm sure the Jews will have a ball with this one!
Obama's uncle helped liberate Auschwitz? Wow, the guy must be getting really tired and confused on the campaign trail. It didn't take long though. Here comes the correction. This man is desperate to acquire some military creds.
This article best explains the problems we've had since women were allowed to vote.
John Lott is at it again arguing about women in politics, particularly because Hillary Clinton seems to think she has been discriminated against.
What a concept! Now that they have a conservative President, see what happens?
When oil prices increase in Europe, guess what France decides to do ... cut taxes
Another fine example of unions at their best!
Teachers unions are so concerned about power that they would rather turn away donated money for harder working teachers in order to maintain its role as the exclusive agent for negotiating teacher pay.
Insanity at its best!
Okay, just one more ... but this one comes from Great Britain. A local city council has decided that one family needs a lifeguard in order for their children to use their 2ft deep kiddie pool in the backyard.
This is absurd - I knew people that attended Wake Forest. Their student body (at least for undergrads) is approximately 6,000 students. Small, excellent school. Well, does it surprise anyone that a female is head of admissions? I'm curious as to how they will judge subjective qualities, such as character and talent. Talent for what? So much for higher education!
Wake Forrest University has decided to drop its requirement for SAT or ACT scores after reviewing research that shows the tests favor wealthier students.
Just think, if the faculty and staff had shared the records of the murderer up there on campus, that tragedy may never have happened. What a crock of s*&%t to try and redeem themselves.
Virginia Tech will be debuting its Center for Peace Studies and Violence Prevention where students can minor in peace studies. Oh yeah ... most businesses just can't wait to hire someone who majors in peace studies.
Why does this not surprise me?
One homeowners' association in Florida is threatening to sue a Navy veteran for flying an American flag on a pole in his front lawn.
At least some people still remember who saved their asses!
In a gesture of goodwill from France ... a French couple has started an organization that adopts the graves of America soldiers who died during the invasion of Normandy. They encourage French families to lay flowers on the graves.
I guess this is the results of a free-for-all nation. In the end, it will be the end of them.
Police in Amsterdam are being encouraged to buy the Koran and "deepen their knowledge of Islam." Meanwhile, the police bosses (taxpayers) will pay for half the purchase. Inch by inch.
Ditto to the above. We're next!
A teenager in Great Britain was told by police to remove an English flag from his car because the flag could be offensive to "immigrants," which translates into Muslims.
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