Wednesday, May 28, 2008

From American Thinker (for those that don't get it)

I touched on this awhile ago and had "black liberation theology" explained to me. This is an excellent article regarding the Obama mindset. THIS should be required reading. Please don't get upset with me for delivering the message here. I didn't write this.
Obama, Black Liberation Theology, and Karl MarxKyle-Anne ShiverBarack Obama proclaims his Christianity, but what kind of Christianity is it? Words matter, but they can mean different things to different people. More

Now this would be great to view!
Czech President offers to debate Gore on global warmingMay 28, 2008Czech President Vaclav Klaus has offered to debate Gore on global warming. More

No surprises here!
US Can't Pass English 101 - Christopher Chantrill

No surprises here, either - next time, attend a real university - not that it would be that much better.
The Crime of Being White - Selwyn Duke

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