Tuesday, April 29, 2008

New posts from various writers

Here we go for today's best. Oh, for any of you that don't understand how this blog site works, other than the one that hides behind "anonymous", allow me to explain. I post columns written by journalists that I believe are important. Why rewrite these when they are so well-written in the first place. Paid journalists write much better than I, and I'm sure the "educated" populace would rather read their articles than anything I write. You will see the authors of these IF you read the articles. I never thought I would have to explain the obvious, but then some aren't as bright as others.

America, You Have Been HadChristopher ChantrillLiberals are prepared for the inevitable "swift-boating" of Barack Obama. Look behind you, liberals. It already happened and it was an own-goal scored by liberals. More

No, It's Not All WrightApril 29, 2008Last go round, the media and other apologists insisted we were overreacting to out of context "snippets." Yesterday's disgraceful showcase at the NPC shredded all such pretext. More

Looks as though Obama is taking lessons from Hillary.
Another Obama falsehoodApril 29, 2008Barack Obama's connection to Tony Rezko may rival his Rev. Wright ties as a damaging electoral issue. Now he is caught lying about one of the most embarrasing moments in the relationship. More

Bill Murchison: The Proxy Presidential Campaign The Barnum & Bailey of the black church as center ring attraction in the presidential campaign?

We've seen how well Pelosi understands foreign policy, now we get a taste of her understanding of basic economics. This is quite a political ploy, considering she owns oil stocks herself.
Carrie Lukas: Spare Consumers the High Costs of Bad Government Policy
Consider what?s being pushed by the House Majority in the name of addressing high gas prices. One piece of legislation being championed by Speaker Pelosi is the ?Energy Price Gouging Act.?

Rich Lowry: A Christian Farrakhan
The Rev. Jeremiah Wright has taken Barack Obama's critically acclaimed race speech in Philadelphia, ripped it into bits and tossed it in the air to serve as confetti for his parade through the media.

Seems the '60s generation just can't help themselves.
Sandy Rios: Barack Obama, the Weather Underground, and the Spirit of Revolution
My first memory of the impact of it all was when I was 13, sitting in my sister?s apartment, watching the evening news with Walter Cronkite.

Where else can you get so informed other than by Boortz?
An obese inmate in Arkansas is suing the county because he lost more than 100 pounds while in jail. Good. I bet the tax payers wouldn't want to fork over extra money just to feed his fat ass.

A Jordanian man is on trial for converting from Islam to Christianity. He may lose legal custody of his children and be forced to annul his marriage if found guilty. What a great religion.

John McCain wants to lower healthcare costs by increasing competition in the free market? But where is government in all this?

Another obsurd bill to a whining group that CAN help themselves. Poor victimization again!
In Massachusetts, the government is taking on a bill that will ban discrimination against weight and height ... in other words, being a lard ass would be protected the same as your gender or race or age.

Thank you again, the Supreme Court!
Another strong lesson in just why presidents can be so important ... Supreme Court nominations. Thanks to the work of George W. Bush we have a Supreme Court that has ruled – on a 6-3 vote – that it is OK for states to require picture IDs from voters before they cast a vote.

The left is not amused. And just why is the left not amused? That one is easy. Because the left – and Democrats in particular – are depending on illegally cast votes for their future power. Just why do you think Democrats are so dead set against doing something to control the Hispanic invasion? These people are future voters? Ask Loretta Sanchez from Southern California how she managed to beat Bob Dornan in 1996. Illegal votes, that's how. You might not know that Ms. Loretta ran for office before .. but with her married Anglo name. She changed her last name to Sanchez and the Hispanic population came out to support her ... and we don't just mean the legal Hispanic community. When the Republicans wanted to start an investigation of illegals voting in that election the Democrats predictably started screaming racism. Racism ... the great Democrat refuge. If there had been a picture ID requirement in that district in 1996 Loretta Sanchez would never have been elected.

Did you know that the plaintiffs in the lawsuit to kill the Indiana picture ID requirement couldn't find any victims? What a tragedy it is when a Democrat can't find a victim. The plaintiffs could not produce one shred of evidence that any legal Indiana resident would be prevented from casting a legal vote by a law requiring a picture ID. The law that was approved by the Supremes is an Indiana law, and it is very stringent. Let's see how it affects the Indiana primary.
By the way, Justice Souter in his dissent made some remark about the "right to vote." Even some of the Justices don't get it.

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