Happy Monday
Neal's on a roll today!
Keep it up. Your speech yesterday, your appearance at the National Press Club today ... helping John McCain all the way.
Don't liberals just love to holler about "tax cuts for the rich?" It doesn't matter what the facts are – people just love to hear that stuff. In a country awash with achievement envy (a/k/a "wealth envy") people just love to hear that those who have accomplished more than they are going to be hammered for daring to excel.
Well ... not to burst your bubble, but a report from the National Center for Policy Analysis shows that the tax burden has been increasing on the evil rich faster than their incomes have been going up.
Here's a quickie look at the figures since 1986.
The share of the income tax paid by the top 1 percent of income earners went from 25.8 percent to over 37 percent. The percentage their total income that the top 1 percent of income earners paid from their income to the federal government rose from 18.3 percent to 19.6 percent. The percentage paid by the bottom fifth of income earners went from 0.4 percent to zero percent.
The income share of the top 1 percent rose from 11.3 percent to 19 percent while their share of income taxes rose from 26 to 37 percent. That's a 7.7 percent increase in income and a 11 percent increase in income taxes.
Clearly these evil rich people are getting away with murder. We need to really raise their taxes, don't we?
The Congress has created a bill that increases fuel taxes for business-jet owners by 65%. Senate leaders have agreed that an increase of jet fuel taxes to 36 cents a gallon – that's up from 21.8 cents now – will help to finance federal air traffic control upgrades.
Senator Jay Rockefeller, a Democrat from West Virginia, wanted to double taxes from corporate aircraft while cutting fees for airlines. He says he wants to do this because the airlines pay "disproportionately" for aviation services. Instead, he got this "smaller" boost, which will mean that small-jet owners will pay 5% of all federal aviation costs. Raising the tax on this fuel used by those evil private jet owners will bring an additional $240 million a year.
Jay Rockefeller says, ``This agreement is a good down payment toward ending the growing inequities that exist between airline passengers and corporate jet users." But an airline trade group, the Air Transport Association, says that this still falls short of "the costs they impose on the system."
You do realize, of course, that what you're seeing here is simple pandering to wealth envy, don't you?
In Osceola County, Florida, one school board member has taken a page from the Boortz guide to the painful truth. Over a week ago, the Osceola government school district decided that its students were going to wear uniforms. Immediately, parents began complaining that they couldn't afford to buy their children new clothing.
So Jay Wheeler sent this message to these government school parents in an email: "Everyone can afford Wal-Mart and if they can't they need to think about turning off their cable TV or stop buying alcohol or cigarettes and spend their money on their children."
Wow. Way to go Jay. Hot Damn! Gotta love it
Of course, parents were offended by the email. Oh, the poor, poor pitiful offended parents. Come on! If they can't afford the uniforms what in the hell are they doing with the children? Children are expensive to raise. If you can't afford one, take an aspirin ... and hold it between your knees. Maria Quintana says that she was speechless when she first saw the message. She said, "It is insulting. I have to go to school, I have a job and sometimes it's really hard you have to struggle and to have them say something like that is really degrading."
Ahhhh ... another woman who downloaded a child she cannot afford. No surprise there.
In Norfolk, Virginia government school administrators want to lower academic requirements so that more students can play football. Right now, freshmen who want to play sports must earn at least a 2.0 GPA – that's about a C average. In these days of grade inflation anyone with a pulse should be able to do that ... especially in a government school. But still, last school year, three out of every 10 rising ninth-graders in Norfolk did not have a 2.0 grade point average, which qualifies them to play sports. Just how dumb are the children of Norfolk?
School administrators are afraid that if you don't let students play sports, they will turn to gangs and drugs and other negative influences. So rather than clean up the kids, you dumb down the school. I guess that playing sports in high school is not a privilege, it is a right. Now I am picking on Norfolk because this is where the story came from ... there are plenty of government schools out there where there are no requirements to play sports. In fact, administrators will bend the rules for "kids who have gone off the beaten path" just so they can continue being the football star.
But isn't it sad folks when one third of students in this school district can't even get a C average? But if they are allowed to play on the football team, they will become better students? This is about culture, not sports.
Charles Krauthammer has some great commentary about Barack Obama, pointing out that the real threat to Obama's candidacy is less Hillary Clinton and John McCain than his own character and cultural attitudes.
Reverend Jeremiah Wrights maintains that his G D America comments were taken out of context ... so here is the entire sermon so you can decide for yourself.
Rev. Al Sharpton tried to close down New York City this past weekend with protests over the Sean Bell case and acquittal of the three police detectives that shot Bell on his wedding day.
Here is some more devastating global warming news ... the people of Anchorage are trying to dig their way out of record snow fall.
One of our government outrages weeks ago was about a government school principal who wouldn't let students who earned a perfect 4.0 to graduate in special colored robes because "every student is special." Well you will be glad to hear that the decision has been reversed.
When the Pledge of Allegiance was said in Spanish in Wisconsin government high school ... parents demand that the Spanish teacher, the principal, and the superintendent be fired.
Move over Rainbow Fish, here's the book kids really need. My Beautiful Mommy explains why mommy suddenly has giant hooters or has had 150 pounds of fat sucked out of her and is now unrecognizable.
Interesting blog. It's ashame that you don't have any opinions of your own, and you don't give credit to those opinions you use. Cutting and pasting is easy, just use quotes or footnotes to give credit to those who really think.
Why re-write my opinions when they're already well-written. I just happen to agree with these. If you take the time to read them, you'll see who they're written by, thus the credit is there. Why do you exhibit such idiocy? Where have I not given credit to writers? Perhaps you just don't want to respond to others' articles. It's too easy to respond to what I write, isn't it?
I suppose it takes too long for some of you to read full-blown articles. Are they too detailed to understand? Do I have to simplify everything for those that either don't have the patience to read or the ability to decipher what other people write?
If this is an accusation of plagarism, you are sooooo off base little one.
The shame is that you don't even know me, yet wish me dead and burning in hell. Your family member must have painted a really bad picture of me to you.
I'm actually surprised you even continue to visit this blog site. You know it's conservative, and you being the ill-advised flaming liberal you are will not like what's posted here, so why bother?
BTW, little one, if you even read the first line of the blog yesterday, you'd see where the articles originated. This blog was never intended to be to your liking, so too bad for you.
Why don't you participate by commenting on the articles themselves? The point of this blog site is to invite conversations/discussions about topics, not the fact that you hate me (again, you don't even know me). If you're too lazy to read them, then that's your problem, not mine.
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