Monday, July 7, 2008

Read a good article on how sloppy Americans have become in their dress. This isn't new, but seems to be prevailing even with older people. I have a thing about guys over 21 wearing baseball caps backwards, but wearing them at all in restaurants, the theatre, etc. is just flat out disrespectful of the venues. Women look more and more slutty every day. There are those my age trying to dress like their daughters, which is totally ridiculous. I see young women come into the bridal salon right out of the shower (that is, if they shower). There is no self-respect anymore. This goes way beyond business casual, which is now an oxymoron. Women have played right into the hands of the feminist movement that pushes them more to be like men. Then they wonder why they have problems with men. How can guys respect them when they don't even respect themselves? Last week, I had a bride that came in to try on dresses, and she didn't even have underwear on. I had to send her out to buy some, and of course, she didn't return, which was fine with me. I found her bare, tatooed ass offensive. I have to admit, we looked a hell of a lot better a generation ago than the women of today look. At least we, in the South, took time to look good. Maybe it's another Northern influence that has taken place in the migration to the South.

I see where the NAACP is suing 15 banks for making loans to blacks that can't pay their mortgages. This is hysterical on two levels. There are many white people having the same problems, so it's not an issue of discrimination. Secondly, weren't they suing banks a few years ago because they wouldn't loan money to non-qualifiers? This is what happens when you get what you demand whether you should or not. How can a group of people play the blame game when they can't hold up their end of the bargain? Again, it's called responsibility. This is what happens when people are given things they haven't earned. The American dream is a dream, not a right.

This isn't new - has been going on for decades.
Burt Prelutsky: High Self-Esteen, Low Test Scores
There are new studies and new polls that strongly suggest that we are breeding increasingly stupid kids here in America

I want to hear one more lib complain about Bush being a Christian!
Dr. Paul Kengor: Barack Obama Embraces Theocracy
?George W. Bush is a [EXPLETIVE] theocrat!? If I had a dollar for every time I heard that over the past eight years.

Allison Kasic: DC Gun Ban Lift Empowers Women
Citizens in the District of Columbia had plenty of reason to celebrate over July 4th weekend.


Anonymous said...

You are so right, we need to get all the sloppy, ignorant blacks and northerners out of the south. Just look at what they're doing to our culture! We need to cleanse the south of all radical thinking liberals: the blacks, the feninists, the deomcrats and all the foreigners. If you weren't born in this country, Go back home!Worse thing we ever did, give them slaves freedom and the right to vote! And while we're at it, close down all universities and schools of higher learning, except the football programs. Nothing good ever came out of a university except hi-falootin thinkers.

I agree that feminists have ruined our women. We need to go back to the Good Ole Days when they stayed home and cooked and cleaned for their husbands and popped out babies, never opened their mouths and knew their place! Bring back corsets and chastity belts! Any schools or universities that remain open after we purge all the thinkers, we should allow only men to get an education. What do women need with an education anyway? How smart do you have to be to cook dinner and make babies?

We need good thinkers like yourself to make things right here in the south. Get rid of feminism, civil rights, all people of color, liberals, foreigners, and anyone who doesn't belive in a pure, white race who is in control. I know, lets build a wall around the South to keep out all non-desirables!

Red Lady said...

Some people are so far gone, they just can't make sense of what's wrong with this country. Perhaps we can start with their ignorance.

Red Lady said...

Seems there is a segment of today's society where women are continuing to be barefoot and pregnant, at the expense of taxpayers, vs. having a husband. Then again, there are many that don't even know who the fathers of their kids are. Be careful what you speak of, as some things obviously have NOT changed in certain corners of society.

Red Lady said...

To the insecure coward that wouldn't sign off on the post they made, why not comment on articles that are posted here. Are you too lazy to read them? Are they so over your head that you have no understanding of them? Which is it? I'd love to know. BTW, you might take a look at your spelling before posting, it's atrocious. I'm not sure what a feninist or a deomcrat is. I especially enjoyed your insults to stay-at-home mothers. At least they're around to teach their kids something, and I'm not talking about the welfare moms.