Monday, July 28, 2008

News from North Carolina

Lots of interesting things happening in my home state. Let's start with some crime issues that aren't just isolated to Durham. Durham has been a crime-ridden city for decades. When I moved to Atlanta in 1979, Durham had the highest murder rate per capita in the SE and in most places in the country. That was when Atlanta made news of high crime rates. Seems nothing's changed up there, except the perameters in which it's growing.

As everyone knows by now, Eve Carson, former president of the student body at UNC, was robbed and killed by two inner-city thugs from Durham. What in the hell they were doing in the location of where she lived in Chapel Hill is beyond me. Maybe Durham is robbed out!

As of last week, a guy has been robbing people at gunpoint in Raleigh and twice in Chapel Hill, once at University Mall (while the child was in a car with his mother in the middle of the day), and once in Amber Alley in the middle of town. Another thug from Durham.

I know Raleigh looks down their noses at Durham, but they had a little incident at a local mall Saturday night when several little gang-thugs caused problems, and shoppers had to leave the mall. Curfews don't appear to make a difference in behavior. These kids will cause problems at any given time. I assumed correctly, as their pictures now appear online. Yes, they are black.

A couple was shot on the NCSU campus in Raleigh by two others (I can only guess the color). None of them were students, so what in the hell were any of them doing on a college campus?

Illegals (mostly Hispanic) are raising hell because the apartment complex they live in is cracking down on registered cars and the number of people that can dwell in one apartment. This is in the liberal town of Carrboro, right next to Chapel Hill. Seems they don't think the rules apply to them. If they register their vehicles to get parking stickers, they may get caught for being illegal. Well, hell, they're already criminals. Why not just deport their asses back to where they came from?

This isn't crime-related, but it's interesting as to how you haven't heard about the encounter last week at the Beverly Hilton in LA between papparazzi and John Edwards. Seems he was seen exiting from a hotel room around 2:30 AM as a female (he's supposedly been connected to in more ways than one) entered the room. As news cameras caught up with him, he ran into a Men's room to avoid them. Why is a guy coming out of a woman's room at that hour of the night without his wife in tow? Why was he running from the cameras, while trying to escape into the Men's room for cover? Inquiring minds want to know. I'm sure he'll attempt to explain how the incident is related to his national poverty program. What a jerk!


Anonymous said...

Mo just ran across your blog. Mo blogs about your home state as well, and unlike you engages in personal insults, obscenity and attacks, but Mo is a misanthropic asshole with no friends or life. Still, Mo likes what you have to say in this blog and invites you to visit:

Red Lady said...

Why thank you for the site, I look forward to visiting it.

Red Lady said...

I love the site. Finally, there are some people in the far-left haven of libs that have the balls to say what they really think. I especially liked the article about the activists cyclists (of all things) injuring someone over their "cause". I could give them a cause or two, but I won't, although it was tempting when the pulled out in front of me a couple of weeks ago and wouldn't move. If I've ever come close to all-out hitting someone, this was it. Who is Mo, and how do I contact Mo? I would like to inquire as to how I may contribute to the blog.

Red Lady said...

You know, now that I think about it, anonymous, Mo is more like you in engaging in personal insults, obscenities, and attacks. I seem to recall your wishing me dead and burning in hell.