Friday, July 11, 2008

Happy Friday!

Some tidbits you probably don't know about the late Senator Helms (and some of you won't want to know).
Ann Coulter: The New York Times vs. Helms, Part 529,876 Liberals discount Jesse Helms' hiring of Meredith on the grounds that Meredith had wandered off the reservation. (Blacks are allowed to have only one set of political views.)
Lorie Byrd: A Lesson Even Liberals Can Learn from Jesse Helms
Many of those outside of North Carolina never could quite understand how Jesse Helms won reelection to the U.S. Senate so many times in what is considered a moderate southern state.

Floyd and Mary Beth Brown: What You Don't Know About Cindy McCain Will Surprise You
The media lately are full of adoring pieces about Michelle Obama, but why so little about John McCain?s wife, Cindy? Of course, we can all see that she has model good looks, sparkling blue eyes, poise and confidence.

This isn't news to me, but for all the Muslim-lovers, a good piece of information.
Matt Purple: Former Islamic Extremist: Radical Islam Similar to Marxism, Soviet Union
A former leader of a radical Islamic organization told Congress extreme Muslims are motivated by an ideology similar to Marxism and that Islamism has much in common with the former Soviet Union.

For those that believe we "torture" military prisoners. The Comments section gives a good explanation of what IS and what ISN'T torture.
Torture redefinedRay RobisonThree burly men in military uniform forced me to don a mask. I could barely see through the slits in it. But what I could see made me shudder. More

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