Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Wow, 300 posts!

I find it amusing that some don't like me to copy articles and paste on this post. They'd rather I write things. Then when I do, they don't respond. Another thing I've noticed, if a topic doesn't pertain to race issues or feminists, there is no interest. Too bad there is such tunnel vision out there, then again, radical anything can't process variety well.

Tidbits from Neal Boortz (for those that don't get it).

Do you think a candidate's wife is fair game?
Awww .. what's the matter, Barack? Are things getting a bit warm out there? Barack was complaining yesterday that Republicans are bringing up his wife, Michelle, in their campaign commercials. He says that this is "unacceptable."

First of all .. Obama seems to spend a lot of time telling the rest of us what is acceptable and what isn't. It sounds like this guy really likes the idea of wielding power. Imagine a country where behavior is limited not on the basis of whether or not the violation of individual rights might occur, but based on whether of not the behavior is "acceptable." And who, by the way, gets to determine acceptability?

Look: It was Michelle Obama who made the amazing utterance that "For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country." She never found anything to be proud of in America until her husband became the front-runner for the Democrat nomination. Well, you know what? I find her attitude unacceptable. With al of the good this country has done for so many people around the world, she has not one moment of national pride until they coronate her husband? What about America's relief effort after the Indian Ocean tsunami? Nothing to be proud of there? What about or relief efforts in so many other parts of the world. How about spending $15 billion to fight HIV in Africa? No moment of pride there?

If Obama wants his wife to be off limits in this campaign then he can tell her to stay the hell home and tend to the kids and leave the campaigning to him. If she speaks for his campaign, if she inserts herself into the campaign in any way, then she becomes a part of the Obama campaign and she is subject to scrutiny and comment. If she can't stand the campaign heat, she should get back into the kitchen. And as for Obama ... Has it ever occurred to you that there are legions of people in this country who don't give a flying burrito over what you find to be acceptable or not acceptable?

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