End of the first quarter of the year.
My how time flies, seems as though it was just Christmas.
We thought the world would come to a halt when Don Imus shot off his mouth, but his statement doesn't even compare to this idiot. The larger idiot here is the one that's running for the President of the U.S., ladies and gentlemen. BTW, there's a good excerpt from Michelle Obama's college thesis. It explains why they are still members of this church.
Obama's Wright fantasyMarch 28, 2008Undoubtedly hoping to tie Hillary in the fabulist category, Obama tells a whopper of his own and Tom Maguire captures it in amber (well online, anyway). More
Glad to see someone finally had the balls to say it.
Whites Can't Make Blacks Happy - James Lewis
Excellent article on public schooling.
Some Wicked Friends of Public Schools - Bruce Walk
Patrick J. Buchanan: Uprooting the New Racism
In his Philadelphia address on race, Sen. Obama identified as a root cause of white resentment affirmative action -- the punishing of white working- and middle-class folks for sins they did not commit:
Jerry Agar: A Report from the White Community
I did not spend a moment today thinking about how to keep the black man down. Just another day. So stop telling me everything is my fault.
Seems sites like the Kos or Huffington Post don't discriminate among their own.
Bill O'Reilly: Leftwing Civil War
On hateful leftwing websites like the Daily Kos, venom between liberals is being spit out so fast a cobra would be stunned.
Matt Barber: "Gay" Activists Risk Your Life. Tolerate It!
Modern science sometimes serves to validate timeless Biblical truths (not that objective truth needs validating). Romans 6:23 contains two such truths.
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