Friday, February 15, 2008

Females and their "potty" mouths

Okay, I have been known to have a foul mouth. I try to be aware of my audience and to whom I'm speaking when I use certain language.

Unfortunately, the 60-something female crowd in Hollywood are behaving like adolescents with their mouths. I'm sure everyone has heard about Jihad Jane's (a.k.a. Hanoi Jane) use of the "C" word on the Today Show. I don't know how everyone else feels about this word, but I find it the most disgusting of all, especially where women are concerned. I doubt Jane would have been thrilled if someone called her that word (even though her perpetual behavior warrants it). Then we have Meredith Viera chuckling at her. Seems women just won't call their "sistas" down about bad behavior. If a man had used that word, he would have been crucified right there on televison. Why wasn't Jane? The double-standard at work. BTW, here is the woman that is on a campaign to educate girls on how not to get pregnant. This is her way of trying to win over those of us that know what she truly is. Just doesn't work that way. Wonder how these un-wed, pregnant girls like her deragatory use of words to describe their female body parts.

This wasn't cable folks, but network television where everyone is exposed, especially kids. It's hard enough in this time to raise them with some sense of morality, but then you have this thrown in your face.

Jihad isn't alone. About a month ago, Diane Keaton threw out the "f-bomb" to Diane Sawyer on GMA, of which Diane appeard shocked, but laughed it off instead of addressing it right there on the show. These idiots need to be publicly embarrassed for going on network television and saying anything they want. Do they think because they're past menopause they have a right to behave as juveniles. Not a good example for young women to follow.

Sally Field showed her ass at the Oscars last year and appears to have set a trend of using offensive, foul language in a public forum. Some people may think taking the Lord's name in vain is quite alright. I cringe when I hear it, especially announced to the world as if it is a commonality. To hell with everyone else, as long as they get to be "cute". Cute is for younger women. Time for women to learn to age gracefully and set an example for those bing-bong actresses that can't stay out of jail.

These (and I won't call them ladies) females are not doing our gender any good in gaining the respect of men, and they wonder why men don't respect them. Hello - I certainly don't respect them.

Speaking of the "C" word, I have to admit I've used it twice in my life in describing a couple of people, but it was only used in the privacy of my home, not in public. My sister-in-law and Hitlary Clinton have something in common.


Anonymous said...

Hey, silly girl, did you actually SEE the interview or read the transcripts? She didn't call anyone that word, that was the title of the vingnette she was asked to perform. Yes, it is a vulger word, and yes, even if it was a title she shouldn't have used it. But the blood-thirsty press, conservative or not, only chooses what it wants to report on, not the entire story.

And some people will jump at anything to insult anyone not affiliated with the conservative arena. What about the woman who called Hillary Clinton a bitch. How lady-like was that?

I think you have to get over yourself. Jane Fonda was talking about a play, you admitted to calling someone a c*nt. I guess it really does take on to know one.

Red Lady said...

The facts are the facts darling, and it doesn't surprise me that you'd call me one. I'm sure if a male said the word on network television, you'd be going into overdrive. More feminist hypocrisy at its best. Why didn't you address the other two subjects mentioned in the post? Could it be that you missed the point of female vulgarity?

Yes, I admitted to using the word but not in an open forum for everyone to hear. There are some thing best kept behind closed doors.

The "anything goes" mentality of today's mindset degrades women. What's sad is that it's more women doing it than men.