Catching up
This is going to be one of the major downfalls of the U.S. if we don't get a grip now and change some laws on immigration.
When Illegal Immigration Trends ConvergeLee CaryWhat happens if trends concerning (1) public school growth driven by illegal immigration, (2) the dropout rate for Hispanic students and (3) the projected U.S. demand for unskilled labor all converge? More
Global warming must be isolated incidents.
Cashmere goats are dying from the cold winterFebruary 28, 2008Have you noticed the absence of Al Gore (global-warming-the-sky-is-falling) in light of the unusually harsh winter across the planet? Why he wasn't even at the Academy Awards! More
Perhaps they're learning what it's like to be on the receiving end of the media.
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to InevitabilityFebruary 28, 2008Double Candidates Clinton have each complained of the double standard they perceive in the media's kid gloves treatment of the current frontrunner. More
For those that don't know anything about George Soros, other than he being the funder behind
George Soros and the Alchemy of 'Regime Change' - Kyle-Anne Shiver
Thomas Sowell: A Lesson From Venezuela
People on the left often use other countries as examples of things that we should do. If other countries have a government-run medical system, then we should have one too, they say.
Where are the ACLU idiots when someone really is being tortured?
Kathleen Parker: Mann Overboard
Most Americans won't have heard of Simon Mann and may wonder why they should care that he is being held illegally in one of the world's most notorious prisons, where torture is routine and human rights nonexistent.
I imagine we're going to hear more about Mr. Obama in the near future.
Jonah Goldberg: Radicals Never Say Sorry
William Ayers, now a professor of education at the University of Illinois at Chicago, is apparently a left-wing institution in Chicago's Hyde Park neighborhood, and has ties to Barack Obama.
Robert Knight: Bill Buckley Made It Okay To Be a Conservative
William F. Buckley connected the dots for me back when I was a liberal college student trying to make sense of things.
Don't women have anything substantial to do?
Janice Shaw Crouse: Paying for "Gender Equality"
Thousands of women from around the world are gathered in New York at the United Nations Headquarters for the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) in order to spend two weeks figuring out how to pay for so-called ?gender equality.?
Can't wait to try this one out.
Rebecca Hagelin: Sense in a Senseless Media World
Publishers obviously think that millions of American women will automatically reach for and read garbage when we?re bored -- which would be insulting if it weren?t true.
Cal Thomas: Hit the Road, Jack
The argument one hears most often for not enforcing illegal immigration laws is that we can't deport the estimated 12 million people already in this country.
The idiot first female Speaker of the House is at it again.
Nancy Pelosi is pushing a proposal through the congress to seize an additional $18 billion dollars in oil company revenues for the government. One of the things this sickening leftist wants to spend that money on is "alternative energy sources."
Let me just take a moment out of your busy day here to tell you how this "government spending oil company money on alternative energy sources" thing works.
Instead of the oil companies – who actually have some expertise in these matters – spending their profits on research and development of alternative energy, the money will be placed into the hands of politicians. This money will then be handed out on the basis of political considerations. Congressman X is in trouble next year, so let's spend some money in his district on some alternative energy plan. Congressman Y cooperated with Congressman Z on some legislation last year, so let's reward Congressman Y with a nice little earmark for some energy company in his district.
In short .. the money will be passed out based on political considerations rather than being spent by those businesses most able to accomplish the desired goals.
Now some of you may not have seen this information in a while, if not at all. But here's what happened in Australia just one year after gun owners were forced to surrender their means of protection. By the way, "disarming" Australia cost the taxpayers $500 million.
A dramatic increase in criminal activity has been experienced.
Australia-wide, homicides are up 3.2%
Australia-wide, assaults are up 8.6%
Australia-wide, armed-robberies are up 44% (yes, FORTY-FOUR PERCENT)
In the state of Victoria, homicides-with-firearms are up 300%
Figures over the previous 25 years show a steady decrease in homicides-with-firearms (changed dramatically in the past 12 months)
Figures over the previous 25 years show a steady decrease in armed-robbery-with-firearms (changed dramatically in the past 12 months)
There has been a dramatic increase in breakins-and-assaults-of- the-elderly
At the time of the ban, the Prime Minister said "self-defense is not a reason for owning a firearm"
You'll be delighted to know that al Qaeda has issued a death sentence against the Dutch politician Geert Wilders ... whose film about the Koran has yet to be released. But they have already determined that it is bad enough for him to be killed.
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