Catching up
With the political campaigns dominating the news, there hasn't been a lot to note recently. Now it's time to catch up.
Here's a good one on the myth from those that still believe we need illegal immigrants.
Illegal Immigration and Low Wage Labor - Lee Cary
This is excellent, considering the Archbishop of Canterbury seems to believe that the UK should adopt some Islamic laws. This article confirms the Archbishop is either a complete nutbag or has taken too many drugs over the years.
Religious coexistence with IslamFebruary 07, 2008The UK Times asks, and then two days later seems to answer the question: "Does Islam fit with our law? More
Some good ones from Neal Nuze today:
Muslim Indoctrination In Public Schools
Call It What It Is ... Jihad
Sounds like someone else I know that has an aversion to "white" males.
Cynthia starts off calling Neal a "clueless, overpaid, white male." This ought to be good....
Now for something funny!
Do Pretty Girls Fart?
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