Wednesday, January 2, 2008

This should be no surprise to anyone with half a brain.
Go Directly To Jihad, Do Not Pass GitmoRandall HovenGitmo has suffered almost universal condemnation. So what are the people released from it up to? More

Mike Adams, another of my favorites on Townhall, has it right about this scenario. I read about some of this going on at Duke (I'm sure it does on most campuses) while reading the book about the Duke lacrosse players and the Duke administration's mishandling of the case. I learned a lot about he "discredibility" of the professors up there, especially the feminists.
Mike S. Adams: Feminism Means Never Having to Say you?re Sorry
Feminists are generally more confrontational in emails than they are in person ? unless, of course, they are with a large group of feminists.

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