Neal's on a roll today!
Without question, the most Socialist mindset of our times, and she's telling you so. Read the Times article for a taste of it.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Do you think executive compensation packages are excessive?
No, that's between the executive, the company and the shareholders if there are any
Yes, no one should make that much money
Yesterday on the show, I got really hot and bothered about this article in the New York Times. Yeah .. darned near lost my customary cool there for a moment.
The article? Well, Hillary Clinton is saying that when she is president, the federal government will take a more active role in the economy. She wants government to get involved because she believes this is the only way to curb the "excesses of the market."
Excesses, huh? What excesses would she be talking about. No problem .. she's all to willing to share that with us. Excess number one would be executive-pay packages. She says that these executive pay packages are offensive and wrong.
Wrong? What's the criteria that this woman-who-wants-to-be-president uses to say that these executive pay packages are wrong? In the case of privately owned businesses the executive pay packages are determined by the owners of the business. In the case of a corporation the board of directors, elected by the shareholders, makes that determination. Then here comes Hillary to say that these pay packages are wrong? Would someone please tell me what role our government should have in determining just how much a private business should be able to pay its executives? Here's a little wager for you. If Hillary (God help us) manages to convince enough single women in this country to vote for her that she actually becomes president; and if she then starts working on some sort of government intervention scheme to make sure executives don't make what she determines to be a "wrong" salary, she will totally ignore the sums raked in by Hollywood stars and pro athletes.
Remember .. to leftist anti-capitalists like Hillary Rodham acquiring wealth is just a matter of luck. There are the "fortunate" and the "less fortunate." She doesn't recognize any true value an executive might have to his or her company or the stockholders. She only sees someone who was lucky to find such a nice job and who needs to be brought down a peg or two.
Hillary's second market "excess?" She also feels that the tax code has become "so far out of whack" in favoring the evil rich. These excesses are holding down middle-class living standards, according to Hillary. In other words, if a high-achiever makes more money, that implicitly means that some poor person out there is making less money. That is the economic mind of a liberal. Liberals see one economic pie that doesn't expand. If someone takes a larger slice, than that means that someone else has to take a smaller one. Baking a bigger pie so everyone can have more? Out of the question.
Her first priority as president would be to change the tax code. She wants tax credits for college tuition, retirement savings, healthcare and alternative energy use – and these credits are only to go to lower and middle-income families. As for the evil rich, she would raise the marginal rate to 39.6%, which will bring in an extra $52 billion to help pay for her hand outs to poorer people. This, of course, is income redistribution. She complains that the middle class is stalled and inequality is growing. Guess what, the middle class is getting smaller because more and more people are moving to upper income brackets.
Oh ... and by the way. That 39.6% income tax bracket for the evil achievers? Well, if you quote that tax rate on the same basis that the FairTax detractors love to quote the 23% FairTax rate Hillary would be proposing a 65.6% income tax. But who's counting.
Even the New York Times points out that she is much more skeptical than Bill of free trade and free-market economy. She talks less about irresponsibility among individuals and blames everything on the irresponsibility in corporate America. That's because in the eyes of Hillary Clinton there is no problem that can't be fixed by government. If she thinks corporate America is greedy, then it is her job as president to use the government to fix that. This is the future of America, folks. Wake up. These aren't just sound bites played on the TV ... these socialist, anti-individualist policies are her deepest held beliefs. And sadly, the average voter – these single women, the less educated, the poor – are too ignorant (thanks to government schools) to understand.
Take a look at what "multiculturalism" has done for London and its Muslim population. Remember, you have no identity as an individual. Your entire identity is locked within your particular ethnic group. Welcome to multiculturalism.
What a mental dilemma this must be!
CNN is battling the important questions. What in the world are black women voters supposed to do in this election?
Good question, Neal.
The Florida Bankers Association wants to institute a "No Hats, No Hoods, No Sunglasses" program to prevent bank robberies. How in the hell will rappers ever be able to cash checks?
The fun has begun - I love to watch the Dems slicing each other up.
Hillary Clinton's 'Guidance' for the MediaLance FairchokChris Matthews is in trouble. The socialist progressives are now accusing him of being part of the dreaded vast right wing conspiracy, a terrible insult in their world More
Wonder what the radical left-wingers in academia think about this?
Zero tax on billionsJanuary 22, 2008The Chronicle of Philanthropy has uncovered a huge and apparently legal tax loophole that allows wealthy nonprofits like Harvard, Columbia and Stanford to pay no taxes on Unrelated Business Income. More
Iran continues to try and dictate what other countries can and cannot do. They'll only succeed if leaders allow them to get their way. So much for free speech across the pond.
Iran Threatens Dutch Ties if Film is ShownJanuary 22, 2008a key Iranian government official is warning the Dutch not to show a film about Islam and the Koran, More
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
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