Friday, January 18, 2008

Good insight into Hillary's anti-male mind.
Hillary's Oedipal ProblemJames LewisAt her radical core, Hillary Clinton is the candidate of female vengeance. One of the most revealing facts is that Senator Clinton is surrounded by an inner circle of women only, her Amazon Battalion. More

All good ones.
Obama, Hillary and Alinsky's Tactics - Kyle-Anne Shiver
Hillary's Choice: Political Power and Alinsky - Andrew Walden
Does Big Government Help Women? - Christopher Chantrill

And if you don't think this is a problem, I just viewed what happened to a guy that was texting while driving. Needless to say, the 18-wheeler got the best of the SUV. The guy was literally cut in half, and the pictures were nauseating, and I have a strong stomach.
Mike S. Adams: Street Safe
I?m getting sick and tired of young drivers with cell phones. Just a couple of nights ago some kid who was parked next to me took several minutes to pull out of a parking space while he was trying to send a text message.

Michael Reagan: Environmental Terrorism and the Price of Oil
Make no mistake about it, you are paying exorbitant prices at the gas pump solely because the environmental terrorists and their Democrat allies in Congress have all but shut down our domestic oil production while refusing to allow the exploration and creation of new sources of this resource so vital to our economic health.

This is absolutely ridiculous, but then again, it's par for the course for the ACLU.
Amanda Carpenter: ACLU Defends Senator Larry Craig
The American Civil Liberties Union is challenging the constitutionality of charges brought against Republican Sen. Larry Craig for soliciting sex in the men?s bathroom of a Minneapolis airport.

Some stats for those that continue to bitch about the so-called "tax cuts for the rich" rhetoric.
Now ... some bullet points for you to consider:
The richest 1% of households in the U.S. are now paying a record 27.6% of all federal taxes and a record of 38.8% of all federal income taxes.
The richest 1% of households only earn about 17% of all income.
The top 1.1 million households (the evil rich) pay a greater share of the income tax burden than the bottom 90 million households combined.
The chart and the report from the CBO shows that the nation's tax burden has been shifting away from typical Americans to the wealthiest households since the early 1980s.

In Washington, politicians are starting to complain about the planned sale of oil drilling rights in Alaska ... because of the poor polar bears. Remember, to the left a polar bear is worth at least 115 actual humans.

"Right-wingers" in Europe have formed a new organization "Cities against Islamisation" in order to fight the Islamisation of Europe. Let's see how long it takes for some left-wing moonbats to call this whole thing racist.

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