Double standards again, the last line says it all. BTW, this was written by a woman.
Female Voters Give Themselves a Bad NamePamela MeisterUp until New Hampshire, perhaps it could be said that Hillary's style was definitely turning voters off in droves More
As I said to someone over lunch one day, are we to continue the PC agenda and settle for mediocrity in this country? I got a blank, dumbfounded stare. Gottcha!
Linda Chavez: Dumbing Down Higher Education
Come November, voters in several states will not only be picking the next president but deciding whether they want to end a system of racial preferences in public higher education and government hiring and contracting.
You don't have to be a fan of Ann Coulter's, but this is touching for anyone that has a father they admire. We'll all be in this situation at one time or another.
Ann Coulter: John Vincent Coulter
The longest baby ever born at the Albany, N.Y., hospital, at least as of May 5, 1926, who grew up to be my strapping father, passed away last Friday morning
From Neal Boortz:
There are those that don't know or refuse to believe we're a Republic.
When was the last time you heard any newscaster or read any columnist remind the people of this country that we are not a democracy and that we are not a country of majority rule? And God forbid any of these opinion influencers should ever remind us that there is no Constitutional right to vote in a presidential election.
Thought I would wait for someone else to comment on this before I did. Now, I don't have to.
Reverend Al Sharpton never seems to be without a cause. This week's protest is demanding that Golf Channel anchor Kelly Tilghman be fired. Sharpton wants Kelly fired because she made an "offensive" remark during the Mercedes-Benz Championship.
I've known about this for a few days ... just sitting around wondering when some race pimp was going to hear about the incident and start spinning around on his eyebrows. Turns out the race pimp was none other than Al Sharpton.
Here's how the exchange went on ESPN a few days ago:
Nick Faldo: (While discussing strategies for younger golf players looking to overtake Woods) "To take Tiger on, maybe they should just gang up for a while."
Kelly Tilghman: (Laughing) "Lynch him in a back alley."
Now was this a stupid thing for her to say? Absolutely. Did she literally mean lynch him? No. But she has been suspended for two weeks. That's not good enough for Al, though. He wants her fired. He says, "The comment was not just racially insensitive but an affront to the entire Black community." You see, to Al Sharpton and his followers, everything is about race. What does Tiger have to say about it? His agent says that Tiger and Kelly are friends and he considers that matter "case closed." If Tiger is over it, why can't Al drop it? I'll tell you why, because Al the Liar is getting just a wee bit weary of seeing Barack Obama get all the press. To really be an effective race pimp with any longevity at all you have to continually stir the racial pot.
Oh and by the way, Al's people even got Kelly's gender wrong in his press release. It says, "He will picket the Golf Channel for employing him." Oops. I assume they meant "her." But hey, who cares about specifics, right?
Yes sir, this one isn't doing the female gender any favors!
A Katrina victim is asking for the government to compensate for his/her suffering. How much do they want? That would be $4 quadrillion. Only a woman could come up with a figure that absurd.
Friday, January 11, 2008
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What makes you hate women so much? Aren't you one? Do you hate yourself that much? How can someone not be proud of who and what they are? Why do you hate women so much? Has a woman done anything bad to you in your life? Or are you a man in a woman's body? I think either way, you need help.
Getagrip, since you don't know me, I'll make an attempt to explain something. First, don't shoot the messenger, other women wrote some of these articles. Yes, there are actually women that don't appreciate what some women think in regards to our gender. Some women are quite the embarrassment to our gender, just as there are men that are an embarrassment to theirs. Why do women believe you hate them if you don't agree with everything (in my opinion, a lot of things) they say, you don't like them? Some of us think for ourselves, not part a herd of sheep that's expected to follow the leader. I love being a woman, and have been accused of being too feminine by doing things women do, such as wearing make up, having my hair done, keeping nails (including toes) presentable, etc. If I didn't feel comfortable being me, then perhaps I would hate women. Women preach about how far they've come in gaining their independence, and that independence goes both ways. You don't have to go along with the masses to be female, as long as you can think for yourself and don't fall under the influence of what others feel you should think. I do enjoy the company of men and have several long-time friends that are men. They do tend to stick around longer than women.
I hope I've answered your question. As for needing help, I've yet to meet a female that has gone to therapy come out treated or any better off than she was before she started seeing one.
Perhaps if more women open their eyes and comprehend what their "sisters" are doing, they'd understand my dismay at their double-standards and victimization of everything that happens to them.
The radical feminist movement is a large part of what is wrong with this country. Complete loss of common sense is the result of massive brainwashing by those that think they speak for all of us and perport to know what is good for us more than we do.l
"Some of us think for ourselves"?
Most of what you post on your blog is regurgitated. You are quoting articles and other ultra-conservatives. Maybe you should get a mind of your own
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