Tuesday, December 18, 2007

From the Boortz daily program.
In Minnesota, a community college's "meditation room" has been converted into a full scale Muslim prayer room ... all at the taxpayers expense. Yes, you guessed it, it's a government school.

The room used to be the only usable racquetball court until the administrators decided it would be better used as a meditation room. This "meditation room" is said to be open to all religions ... from the descriptions that is clearly not the case.

The room is split into sex-segregated sections. The smaller section for women has literature like "Hijaab and Modesty," which instructs women on proper Islamic behavior – cover you face, stay at home, do not speak. There is also literature saying that the Jews and the Christians are the enemies of Allah.

A poster in the room advertises a local lecture for "marriage from an Islamic perspective." The other flyers were for students to join the Normandale Islamic Forum or participate in Ramadan celebrations. There is a sign on the room's entrance asking for all students to remove their shoes ... because Muslim customs require it.

But it seems like there are a few things missing from this non-denominational catch-all "meditation room." How about a Bible. Or a crucifix. Or a Torah. Nope. Nothing but a bunch of Islamic propaganda.

Islamopandering ... happening everywhere.

On the retread herself!
Yesterday I had a few pithy comments on the show about the Atlanta Journal-Constitution's slobbering all over Jane Fonda on the occasion of her 70th birthday, a milestone many American servicemen didn't reach because of her actions. This guest AJC columnist has a few things he would like to say about this washed-up communist himself.

And women still complain about how badly they have it here in their own country.
The King of Saudi Arabia has pardoned the gang- rape victim who received 200 lashes a few weeks ago.

For any of you who are interested, you can watch a wonderful British TV show about non-Muslims living under Sharia law. No, we don't know if Michael Moore produced it. We'll check on that.

Your liberal government at its best!
San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom wants to tax surgary drinks.

Good article on Michael Savage. I've read two of his books. Another former left-winger that saw the light, along with Dennis Miller and David Horowitz.
Michael Savage is fighting back! Let's hope he does some damage to that phony CAIR crowd.

American Thinker:
The last line really explains the reasoning for this indoctrination behavior.
Food Nannies Ban Holiday Cupcakes at SchoolDecember 17, 2007Merry Christmas! Have a celery stick, kid. More

And he's supposed to be "smart". Another example that he's clueless pertaining to world affairs.
Obama Would Hold Muslim-American SummitDecember 17, 2007In an interview on former Senator Bill Bradley's Sirius radio show, Barack Obama let it be known that if elected president, he would organize a meeting between Islamic leaders and Americans: More

More on Michael Savage:
Moyers and Olbermann Savage Michael Savage on PBSDecember 17, 2007When you put two extreme liberals like Bill Moyers and Keith Olbermann together on tax-supported PBS, the consequences are likely to be ugly. More

NY Times profiles Michael Savage: Fair and Balanced!December 17, 2007Wonder of wonders, the New York Times on Monday December 17 published a lengthy -- and surprisingly positive -- feature article on controversial radio talk show host Michael Savage More

Islam: Not Just Another Religion - Janet Levy

Townhall Today:
I knew someone I could put into this group, and she's about to turn 50!
Diana West: No Fury Like a Zep Fan Scorned
Finally found people even touchier than Islamic fanatics: Led Zeppelin fanatics. No kidding. I say this after receiving a pretty heavy mailbag on my recent column about the Zep reunion concert in London.

Paul Weyrich: A Pressing Need For Blue-Collar Labor
I am going to be politically incorrect. The fact is not everyone should go to college. Yet we have pushed the notion that the only way to get a useful education is to obtain a college degree.

No kidding!
Dinesh D'Souza: The Unbelievable Tenacity of George W. Bush
Listening to the fatuous Al Gore claim his undeserved Nobel Prize and maunder on about how America is ruining the planet makes me realize how fortunate America is to have as its president George W. Bush.

I have an answer for this one - start farming our own foods and manufacturing our own products, even if it costs consumers more.
Phyllis Schlafly: Republicans Should Answer Questions About China, Too
Why are questions about China asked only in the Democratic presidential debates? We want to know what Republican candidates plan to do about China sending us poisoned foods and toys.

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